Artist Reception: Susan Eileen Burnes: Fiber Art
Thursday, April 19, 2018 3:30pm to 5:30pm
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170 SW Waldo Place, Corvallis, OR 97331 #ArtAboutAgricultureSusan Eileen Burnes, of Rogue River, Oregon, creates layers of color as pastel pigments and acrylic paint are applied over a textural base of hand stitched fiber in forms and patters attached to painted canvases. Her compositions range from jewel tones, monochromes, and variegated earth palettes. Burnes writes, “Through my art I intend to convey the experience of unity and harmony through the repetition of simple geometric forms in linear patterns.”
Susan E. Burnes was granted the 2017 Betty Brose Art About Agriculture, and Gordon and Brenda Hood Art About Agriculture purchase awards, sponsored by Betty Brose, the late Brenda Hood, and the College of Agricultural Sciences.
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