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2921 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
https://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/sac/theatre/students/auditions ##auditions #theatreAuditions for Oregon State University Theatre’s Spring One-Act Festival 2019 will be held April 14 and 15 at 6:00 pm in the Lab Theatre in Withycombe Hall is located at 30th and Campus Way.
This year’s festival features seven original one-act plays written and directed by OSU students including The Golden Raspberry by Srimanyu Ganapathineedi, Sasquatch by Lucy Gregson, Put on a Happy Face by Cole Haenggi, The Guardian by William Stone, A Curious Case of Small Murders by AJ Glessner, The Three Snap Shoe Swap by Hannah Fretz, and The Last Person on Earth by Rachel Stahly. These new plays range from comic to dramatic to thrilling explorations of the supernatural.
Auditions are open to all OSU students, staff, faculty, and area community members. Auditioners should be prepared to do cold readings from the scripts, which are available for check out in the Theatre Arts Main Office in Withycombe 145.
Please bring your schedules to the audition to include on your audition forms. Rehearsals will be scheduled for individual plays by directors. All cast will be required to attend company run-throughs the week of May 20-23. Tech and dress rehearsals will be May 25-28 and performances run May 29-June 1. All cast members must be available for all tech rehearsals, performances, and strike. Please go over your schedules and bring any conflicts to the audition.
For questions concerning the audition or rehearsal process please contact Elizabeth Helman at Elizabeth.helman@oregonstate.edu
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