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In the months leading up to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change, Spring Creek Project presents the Bedrock Lectures on Human Rights and Climate Change.

This online series features leading scientists, attorneys, writers, community leaders, activists, and artists. Together, the lectures create a chorus of voices and ideas that will invite audiences to imagine how we can build communities and lives in a world where environmental crises quickly become human rights crises.

Anna Grear, Professor of Law at Cardiff University, will share her lecture, "Human Rights, Climate Change and the Politics of Legal Disembodiment," on May 30, 2018. 

Anna is founder and Co-editor in Chief of the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, founder of the Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE), founder of the Vulnerability Network and co-founder, with Martha Fineman, of the Vulnerability and Human Condition Collaboration (a partnership between UWE and Emory University, Atlanta).

Anna is a legal theorist whose work focuses largely upon questions related to law’s construction of the human being and the human relationship with the world, broadly conceived. Her work calls on insights from a range of disciplines despite being firmly located within a combination of critical legal theory and jurisprudence. Anna is currently working on a monograph, a series of articles and four co-edited collections. She is also series editor of a new series, Law, Justice and Ecology, recently established by Glasshouse Press, part of Routledge Cavendish.


We will release a new Bedrock Lecture every Wednesday from January 31 to May 30, 2018. The lectures are free and publically available on our website and social media channels. We also encourage you to come to the in-person screening of the lectures at noon each Wednesday in Bexell Hall 412. Each lecture will be about 20 minutes, and we invite you to watch them from your desk, with a group of friends, or at a community gathering.

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