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Join us for a virtual presentation, titled "Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting  for International Health Program Effectiveness ¾ An Example from Ethiopia," presented by Margaret Henning.  

Henning’s talk will focus on an overview of USAID work in Ethiopia and her role as a Senior Learning Advisor. Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) is a set of practices that help improve our development effectiveness. Learning has always been part of USAID’s work, and most USAID missions and implementing partners are already practicing CLA in some way. Henning’s work is to make CLA more systematic and intentional throughout the Program Cycle, and to dedicate the resources necessary to make it happen.

Margaret Henning is a Professor of Public Health at Keene State College . Currently, Henning is working as a Senior Learning Advisor for USAID/Ethiopia. Henning earned her master's in health education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and her Ph.D. in Public Health from Oregon State University with a focus on International Health. Henning has also completed postdoctoral fellowship with the T.H Chan Harvard School of Public Health. Most recently Henning completed a Spencer grant and Fulbright Research award while in Zambia. For the Spencer research Henning’s research was focused on school re-entry policy for adolescent mothers and the Fulbright award was to focus on Community Health workers and Maternal Child Health. Her research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the problems of mobilizing, allocating, and maintaining limited resources to improve health. Henning has conducted research in Botswana, Rwanda, and Zambia.  In 2015, Dr. Henning received the APHA International Health Mid-Career Award . Further, in 2019 Dr. Henning received the Researcher of the Year award from the Keene State College.


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