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2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
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In this community dialogue, we will be exploring the concepts of how colorism has a global impact on many communities, specifically Asian and Latinx ones. We will begin by colorism as a topic and its historical anti-blackness roots. Furthermore, we hope to conceptualize how these ideologies influence our own perspectives, the beauty standards of ourselves and others.


Community Dialogues seek to cultivate connection and deep learning through exploration of critical and contentious issues. This series is focused on providing space for participants to practice the skills of dialogue and deliberation. This Community Dialogue topic is about Colorism and the power structure it creates in ethnic communities across the globe. Through various presentations, guest speakers, and activities, we hope participants can leave this event gaining a deeper understanding around colorism.


This event will be catered by. We ask that participants join us for the full 2 hour event in order to respect the dialogical process. 


  • Antonio Rodriguez
  • Tatiana Evelyn Nalubega

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