Fall Virtual Natural Sciences, Earth & Environmental Fair
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 12pm to 3pm
About this Event
Don’t miss the VIRTUAL 2021 Natural Sciences, Earth, & Environmental Fair! If you want to work for a cause or work outside, protect animals or ecosystems, restore watersheds or conserve natural resources, help businesses be more sustainable or map out the world, understand soil, minerals, air, or water, save the environment or change policy, or bring science to the public – this is the fair for you. Want to work for a government agency, lab, or consultancy? Want research and internship experiences? Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, there are opportunities with these employers.
Last year the fair drew some of the top employers in the field: Oregon Sea Grant, Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. EPA, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, and more. This fair is particularly good for majors in the Colleges of Science, CEOAS, AgSci, Liberal Arts, and Forestry, but all majors are welcome! And because it's virtual both Corvallis and Ecampus students are encouraged to attend. Come to this event to learn, network, and maybe even get hired!
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