About this Event
700 SW 26th Street, Corvallis, OR 97331
https://www.oregonambassadors.com/homeLooking for a family-friendly alternative to fireworks on the Fourth of July? The Oregon Ambassadors of Music (OAM) will give two free, public concerts on July 4 on the Oregon State University campus.
At 5 p.m., the OAM Band, led by Todd Zimbelman, director of bands at West Salem High School, will perform in Parker Plaza in front of Reser Stadium. The audience is encouraged to bring portable seating such as camp chairs, lawn chairs, or picnic blankets.
At 6 p.m., the OAM Choir, led by Steven Zielke, the Patricia Reser Professor of Music at Oregon State University, will perform in the Austin Auditorium at the LaSells Stewart Center.
The concerts conclude a three-day camp held at OSU, comprising 464 youth musicians from across the state. Students, nominated by their music teachers for partipation, spend three days in intense music rehearsals and meetings to prepare for an international performance tour led by a team of professional music educators from Oregon high schools, middle schools and universities. Following the concerts, the students and staff will embark on the 14-day concert tour, with planned performances in France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
The Oregon Ambassadors of Music has been taking outstanding Oregon high school students, nominated by their music directors, to select countries in Europe since 1995, with a goal to share our love of life and peace and represent Oregon as Ambassorors of Music. For more information contact Steven Zielke (zielkeoam@gmail.com), executive director, or go to OregonAmbassadors.com.
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