HMSC Research Seminar- Graham Shaw, Marine Resource Management Program, Oregon State University
Thursday, October 6, 2022 3:30pm to 4:30pm
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2030 SE Marine Science Dr, Newport, OR 97365
Speaker: Graham Shaw, Marine Resource Management Program, Oregon State University
Topic: Tidal Wetland Socio-Economic Evaluations: A DIY Guild
Tidal wetlands, or estuaries, provide significant ecological, social, and economic benefits to communities that live on their banks. However, capturing the value of the services these wetlands provide to community members can be a difficult task. This presentation will provide a guiding structure for how to conduct a tidal wetland socio-economic evaluation, including methodologies, examples, and helpful tips. The socio-economic evaluation of the Southern Flow Corridor tidal wetland restoration project in Tillamook, OR. will also be used as a case study to demonstrate how the evaluation framework can be applied to previous, current, or future restoration projects.
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