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The department of Integrative Biology presents a seminar with Jason Podrabsky, Professor of Biology at Portland State University, Developmental Ecology: Environmental control of development in a vertebrate extremophile fish.


The Podrabsky lab is interested in how embryonic development can be altered by environmental and ecological factors, and the mechanisms that support tolerance of environmental stress during development. We use integrative and multiomic approaches to understand the molecular and physiological mechanisms that drive organismal responses to the environment. Most of our studies focus on regulation of alternative developmental trajectories in embryos of annual killifishes. Recently we have been conducting field studies to ground-truth our laboratory-based studies in nature. We are also interested in using embryos of annual killifishes to explore the biology of embryonic development and dormancy in space.  


To learn more about the lab and their research, please visit


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  • Emelia Iversen
  • Sarah King
  • Daniel White
  • Kathryn Worley

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