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2701 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331


The Department of Integrative Biology presents a seminar with Patrick Phillips, Philip H. Knight Chair of Biology, University of Oregon, Using natural variation and synthetic biology to understand the genetics of aging and prolonged healthspan.


Patrick Phillips is the Philip H. Knight Chair of Biology at the University of Oregon. Phillip’s work focuses on the complex interplay of genetics and the environment in determining individual variation, with a specific focus on understanding how genetic information contained within DNA is translated into the complex suite of features that characterize all organisms. His work uses the model nematode C. elegans and its relatives to research the molecular genetic basis of natural variation in traits such as body size, reproductive success, and behavior, as well as seeking novel approaches to understand the biological basis of aging and to identify genes and environmental interventions that increase health span and longevity. At UO, he has previously served as interim president, provost and senior vice president, associate vice president for research, director of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, and chair of the Department of Biology. He was the inaugural executive director of the $1 billion Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact and established the $420 million Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health.

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  • Gabrielle Chand
  • Michiko Tachibana
  • Joe Foward
  • Ethan Leighton

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