Integrative Biology Fall Seminar Series - Thomas Hanh
Monday, October 28, 2024 4pm to 5pm
About this Event
2701 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
#IBFallSeminarsThe department of Integrative Biology presents a seminar with Tom Hanh, The mismeasure of a bird: Crossbill myths and their implications for broad (mis)understanding of mechanisms underlying annual cycles of reproduction, plumage molt, and movement.
Tom Hahn is a professor of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior at UC Davis. He studies mechanisms underlying annual cycles of physiology and behavior in wild songbirds, with a particular focus on how environmental predictability affects adaptive timing mechanisms. He is currently primarily a field biologist focusing on mountain white-crowned sparrows in the high Sierra Nevada, and on a variety of western North American finches that vary in the degree of temporal flexibility required to track environmental changes relevant to their fitness. In this seminar he will talk about natural history of crossbills (nomadic and temporally flexible finches of north-temperate zone conifer forests), attempt to dispel some longstanding (essentially immortal) myths about their biology, and discuss implications of these types of myths about one species for broad understanding of physiological mechanisms underlying animals’ annual schedules of life cycle stages such as reproduction, migration, integument replacement, and hibernation.
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