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425 SW 26th Street, Corvallis, OR 97331
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Oregon Coast Weekend Camping & Tidepools Trip – October 18-20, 2019
Let's go camping! Beverly Beach State Park campground is a few steps from the ocean. Giant, wind-sculpted trees and nurse logs surround the campsites strung along pebbly Spencer Creek. The park offers a well-known walkway under the highway and emerges to the long expanse of sandy beach extending from Yaquina Head (you can see the lighthouse from here) to the headlands of Otter Rock.
Explore Old Town Newport, Yaquina lighthouse and the tidepools at Devil's Punchbowl Natural area.

Required Pre-trip meeting Wednesday, October 16 at 6 p.m. in the ALI Lounge.

Cost: $90. Call Adventure Leadership Institute (ALI) for more information.

  • Nicholas Whitman

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