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201 SW Waldo Place, Corvallis, OR 97331

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Join us for two talks: “The History of the Catalog Card” and “Supporting Indigenous Libraries and Librarians” by two fascinating Valley librarians, Shoshana Patocka and Richenda Hawkins.


Learn about the American Indian Library Association and the work that Richenda has done with this group to support library and information needs of Native Americans.


You've probably used an old catalog card as a bookmark or used the back of one as scratch paper. Ever wonder why it's the size it is? Who came up with using the idea of using cards to keep track of books? Where did the card you're holding even come from? Come to "The History of the Catalog Card to find out!


This event will be on the 3rd floor of the Valley Library, in the Willamette East Classroom and on Zoom.

Accommodation requests related to a disability for events at the Valley Library should be made to Angela Haney: (541) 737-1350,

  • Richard Sapon-White

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