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201 SW Waldo Place, Corvallis, OR 97331

#OSU Seminar OSULP Seminar AI
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Hui Zhang and Ian Scofield present: “So Many Options: An Overview of a Few of the AI Research Tools You Might Want to Try” on Jan. 22, 2-3 p.m. in the Willamette East Classroom, located on the Valley Library third floor.

As library service providers increasingly explore ways to include generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) into their products, OSULP has set up trials with several AI-powered research tools. In this seminar, Ian and Hui will provide an overview and demo of a few of them. There will be time reserved for questions and feedback on these tools.

About the OSU Libraries and Press Seminar Series:

The OSULP Seminar Series provides a forum for all library staff and faculty to share their current projects, creative work, research and other topics that will help the library be "better together!" This includes library staff sharing their work, outside projects, research or resources.

Accommodation requests related to a disability for events at the Valley Library should be made to Angela Haney: (541) 737-1350,

  • Ana Posadas Mejia
  • Chia-Yu Liu

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