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2461 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331

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Optimizing Cryptographic Obfuscation

We explore the concrete efficiency of multilinear maps, which are the basis of many cryptographic obfuscation applications. We give  the first implementations of obfuscation and multi-input functional encryption (MIFE: a variant of obfuscation) for branching programs. Along the way, we create the 5Gen framework for implementations of multilinear map-based applications. We apply the 5Gen framework to experiment with obfuscating point functions and MIFE of order-revealing encryption.

We also explore efficiency in the context of obfuscators and MIFE for circuits. We give the first MIFE construction for circuits and prove its security in an ideal model. Our scheme is efficient. To compare, we implement all known circuit obfuscation schemes using the 5Gen framework, and experiment with obfuscating a PRF. This results in the most complex PRF obfuscated to date -- with 12 bits of security.

Finally, recently Bishop \etal showed an obfuscation scheme for the specific functionality of wildcard pattern-matching \cite{bkmprs18}. Their obfuscation scheme simply relies on the generic group model, with no multilinear maps. Inspired by their work, and the deep connection of functional encryption to obfuscation, we explore function private public key functional encryption for the same wildcard pattern-matching functionality. We give the first such scheme and prove its security in the generic bilinear group model.

Major Advisor: Mike Rosulek
Committee: Glencora Borradaile
Committee: Attila Yavuz
Committee: Mariana Raykova
GCR: John Dilles

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