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170 SW Waldo Place, Corvallis, OR 97331
"Estimation of the number of communities for sparse networks" by Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya from Oregon State University in STAG 213.
Link to Probability and Data Science Seminar.
Abstract: Among the non-parametric methods of estimating the number of communities (K) in a community detection problem, methods based on the spectrum of the Bethe Hessian matrices ($\vH_\zeta$ with the scalar parameter $\zeta$) have garnered much popularity for their simplicity, computational efficiency, and robustness to the sparsity of data. For certain heuristic choices of $\zeta$, such methods have been shown to be consistent for networks with $N$ nodes with a common expected degree of $\omega(\log N)$. In this paper, we obtain several finite sample results to show that if the input network is generated from either stochastic block models or degree-corrected block models, and if $\zeta$ is chosen from a certain interval, then the associated spectral methods based on $\vH_\zeta$ is consistent for estimating K for the sub-logarithmic sparse regime, when the expected maximum degree is $o(\log N)$ and $\omega(1)$, under some mild conditions even in the situation when K increases with N. We also propose a method to empirically estimate the aforementioned interval, enabling us to develop a consistent K estimation procedure in the sparse regime. We evaluate the performance of the resulting estimation procedure's performance theoretically and empirically through extensive simulation studies and application to a comprehensive collection of real-world network data.
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