Rainie Falls Hike: Salmon Migration & River Ecology
Thursday, September 6, 2018 10am to 3pm
About this Event
$25 includes a 1 yr RRWC Friendship; existing RRWC Friends pay $5
given with Registration na, NA, OR
https://extension.oregonstate.edu/sorec/events/rainie-falls-hike-salmon-migration-river-ecologyTake a scenic, 4 mi. RT hike and learn with biologists from the Rogue River Watershed Council. We will learn about fish biology and river ecology. If our timing is good we may see Chinook or Coho salmon leaping the falls as they make their way to their spawning grounds upriver. Learn about the streamside plants and birds we see along the way. Bring a picnic lunch. For RRWC friends the hike is $5, non-friends pay $25 which includes a friendship. " To register call RRWC 541-423-6186 to register.
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