Strategies for Success in the College Classroom: First-Year Off Campus Students and Student Living on West Side
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9am to 12:15pm
About this Event
165 SW Sackett Place, Corvallis, OR 97321
This session is for first year students living off campus and students living on the West side of campus (Weatherford, Sackett, Cauthorn, Hawley-Buxton, Poling, West)
This is the essential “get-ready-for-school” session. The goal of this session is to orient students to changes they can expect as they transition to the university environment. Students will hear directly from a panel of faculty about their expectations and their advice on how students can be successful. Faculty will talk about student success in the college classroom, and students will have the chance to ask their own questions of the panel. Following the panel, students will debrief the session together, learn about resources on campus, and plan for success in the upcoming year.
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