Workshop on the Freight & Fuel Transportation Optimization Tool (FTOT)
Friday, March 3, 2023 10am to 4pm
About this Event
2751 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
Description: During this workshop, you will learn about the features and benefits of the FTOT and how it can help improve transportation efficiency and reduce costs. The Freight and Fuel Transportation Optimization Tool (FTOT) is a software program created by the Volpe Center at the U.S. Department of Transportation that is designed to help transportation professionals optimize their freight and fuel operations.
Speaker Profile: The workshop's speaker, Dr. Kevin Zhang, is a data scientist at the U.S. DOT Volpe Center in the Energy Analysis and Sustainability division. He provides technical support on projects related to the resilience of transportation networks, supply chain optimization, fuel burn and emissions modeling, and AIenabled technologies for surface transportation modes.
Session Information: Please note that there are two sessions available for this workshop. Registration is required.
- Non-technical session from 10am-11am in Austin Hall 100
- Technical session from 1-4pm in the Owen Hall Computer Lab
Collaboration: Thank you for support from the OSU Global Hemp Innovation Center, the OSU Center for Supply Chain Management, and the College of Engineering!
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